Coordination and Disagreement across Perspectives
10-12 September 2012
The problem of coordination (and lack thereof) across perspectives manifests itself in many guises: in communication, lying and misleading, in agreements and disagreements, in shared worlds and group actions, and in competition.
This networking event brings together researchers from three collaborative research projects (CCCOM, DRUST and NormCon) within the EUROCORES EuroUnderstanding Programme. The workshop is organized by the LanCog Group of the Philosophy Centre of the University of Lisbon and by the project Contextualism, Relativism and Practical Conflicts and Disagreement (EuroUnders/0001/2010). It is integrated with a graduate workshop (OFA8), locally organized by early career researchers. There are 6 slots for graduate students, or researchers who have obtained their PhDs within the last 2 years, to present their work. The call for abstracts is now closed. The programme for both events is now available (check link above). contact: Teresa Marques at mariateresamarques (at) campus (dot) ul (dot ) pt. |
EUROCORES EuroUnderstanding Programme

This event, as part of the European Science Foundation EUROCORES Programme EuroUnderstanding, is supported by funds from FWF, FWO, DCIR, ETF, CNR, NWO, RCN, MNiSW, FCT, VR.
LanCog Group / Philosophy Centre of the University of Lisbon
Local Organizing Committee:
Teresa Marques
Andreas Stokke
Luís Duarte D'Almeida
Sara Bizarro
Fiora Salis
José Mestre
Bruno Jacinto
Carla Meneses Simões
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